Other services we have to offer

In addition to storage, packaging, handling, and labelling your chemical products, at Barnastock we can offer the following personalised services:

Let us be your customer service department.

We can be your call centre, receiving your orders and processing them. We’ll take the lead on completing your entire supply chain.

Providing you with real-time control.

You’ll be able to control the status of all incoming and outgoing products at all times, as well as real-time stock management. You’ll always be in control!

Managing transport and distribution.

Thanks to BDTrans, the specialised ADR transport company that belongs to Grup Barcelonesa, we can provide you with the security and reassurance of complying with the legal regulations for the transport of dangerous goods.

Creation of quality measurement reports.

We know how important it is to measure the quality of the service you offer. That’s why we can create monthly reports for the KPIs you require.

An example of how we adapt to the needs of our clients is the custom services that we offer to various customers in the tintometry and paint sector.

We have set up an area within our facilities with different tintometric machinery, able to generate practically any colour of paint.

In addition to the extra space, members of our team have been trained to offer this service following each client’s know-how.

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The personal data that you provide by filling out this form will be processed by Barnastock. The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data that we request is to answer the information requests of the interested party and the establishment or maintenance of business relationships. The legitimation is made through the consent of the interested party and the legitimate interest in the development of the commercial relationship. The recipients of this information are the companies of the Barcelona Group. The user has the right to access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability of all their data. For more information visit our Privacy Policy.